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What is Forex Trading?

Forex, also known as foreign exchange market, is the largest and the most liquid market in the world that allows investors to make investments primarily in currencies, but it also includes the precious metals like gold and silver; agricultural products including cotton, coffee and cacao; natural gas and petrol; also countries’ indexes and stocks and CFDs.

Who can perform exchanges in this market?

Anyone involved in buying or selling in world markets can easily start trading in Forex market.

How large is the Forex market?

The daily trading volume in the Forex market, the world’s largest and most liquid market, is more than 5 trillion dollars.

What points should be considered before investing?

The products that are intended to be processed are different from the other markets in terms of operations and rules in the market. For this reason, before trading on the Forex market, any investor should be informed about the functioning of the market and receive the necessary training. It is important that all investors willing to trade in this market start off with a demo account. Before entering the marketplace, you can contact your customer representative for information about the online trading platform, orders, positions, security, profit/loss relationships, trade conditions and other details. You can also attend free trainings and webinars to improve your trading skills.

How is Forex risky?

The most important point to note in Forex is the rational use of the leverage system. The leverage system is the greatest advantage to this market, but it doesn’t mean that Forex market is risk-free. However, researches show that the major reasons of the losses in the market are the investors’ risk appetite and high earnings expectations. After you have gained experience on the market, and with the basic and technical analyzes you can make, your training and your personal investment strategies will open the door to your protection from market risks.

Is it possible to trade on Forex market with any instrument?

It is a market that permits transactions with many different instruments, such as parity, commodity and index, and you can trade in any product that is suitable for you in terms of trust, profit and risk in this market.

What is leverage?

The most distinctive feature that separates Forex from other markets and which people prefer is the leverage. The system which valued large volume transactions with small capital is called leverage. With the leverage, investors have the ability to obtain up to several times the amount of security they have in their trading volume calculations.

Which operations can be done with leverage?

At iDraw Tech you can safely trade at a leverage of 1: 200. For instance, with 1,000 USD security you can reach a transaction volume of 200 thousand USD using 1: 200 leverage.

What issues should be taken into account when leverage is involved?

The leverage allows you to trade on the multiples of your existing security. For this reason, before you start leverage, the first thing you need to do is determine the leverage ratio correctly. If high leverage is used carelessly, it can lead to undesirable consequences. The process should be carried out with the right strategy, without ignoring the fact that high profits constitute as high a risk as the high profits you generate.

Is brokerage house necessary for the transaction?

In order to start trading on this market you must choose the brokerage house that provides the most suitable service quality. As long as you have an Internet connection, you can trade at anytime and anywhere on the Forex market.

How can investors follow their transactions?

Investors can follow all their transactions by calling customer representatives or via trading platforms.

When can the Forex market be traded?

Forex is a market where you can trade for 5/24.