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Safe Trading

As iDraw Tech Ltd. customer privacy is part of our customer service and protecting your privacy is our top priority. Your privacy is also protected by law. When an account is opened with iDraw Tech Ltd. the information is collected and stored according to legal requirements. All customer information is stored in a secure database and it is only allowed access by an authorized personnel. This information may be your own, but it may also include information automatically left on the system during your visit to our platform, such as technical information, browser, operating system, visit the source, visit time, forwarding address information. Your data will be kept in accordance with legal regulations and confidentiality will be ensured. 

Customers agree to volunteer to share their personal information with iDraw Tech Ltd. The purpose of this information collection is to provide the “Get to Know the Customer” standard and provide security during customer transactions. Our customers need to provide accurate, current and accurate information about their identities. They are required to declare that they will not be found in fraud or fraudulent behavior, that they will not take the identity of a third party, that they will not be identified by another party, and that they will not represent it without documentation.

By strengthening the confidence that clients have in our company based on a long time of devotion and assurance, moving forward with proficient service quality, and supporting this service with value-adding items, we aim to become a brokerage service in accordance with global standards.