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Ecnomic Calendar

With this calendar, you will be able to follow latest events and results in real time and see how the financial market reacts.

Daily Analysis

As Varin FX, we are here to analyze the market movements and help you to understand them; reveal trends and markets’ potential. More importantly, we are here to help you to understand the Forex Market and how you can take the benefit from it.

Technical Analyses

The daily, weekly, monthly and instant technical analyzes prepared by our research team, consisting of experienced and experienced members, will ensure you do not worry about your investments.

Research Reports

Start early in the day with daily bulletins prepared by our research department and protect yourself against sharp movement in the market.

Economic Calendar

The economic calendar is one of the most important elements of the basic analysis and provides planned reports to the investor with information on what country, when and from which country to report in the course of the day. The calendar contains the level of importance of the previous period’s data and expectations of the disclosed data. The degree to which the reported number is anticipated has a critical prescription in terms of market pricing. For example; If it is explained that 160 thousand of the non-agricultural payroll data that is expected to be 150 thousand in the US is explained, the dollar has a limited positive effect on the US dollar. Or if it is explained that 120 thousand of non-agricultural payroll data that is expected to be 150 thousand is explained, negative impact on the dollar is created, and if it is announced as 80 thousand, it causes the dollar to lose value.

News Feed

Significant developments affecting market pricing are quite significant for investors. While such developments affect short-term pricing, it should be noted that they may also affect long-term pricing. For example, while US crude oil inventories are important for daily pricing, the change in production policy of OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) is important for the long-term trend. For example, the US inflation rate determines the course of the dollar during the day. In addition, former Fed President Bernanke’s announcement of the end of the bond purchase program in 2013 set the main trend in dollar terms.

Analysis TV

Direct your investments by following the research team’s Web seminars and market talks.